Sunday, December 02, 2012

Domestic Dilemma

I'm fending for myself tonight. My amazing girlfriend is on a business trip to The Big Easy. She's enjoying a well deserved break in a Jazz bar while I forage for sustenance in the fridge. I'm arguably a grown up; I've survived many, many years prior to meeting and tricking her into caring for me -- but suddenly I find myself, like the wounded seal or home-raised tiger, daunted by feeding myself. It's not really that I can't hunt for food. I still know how to order a pizza; it's more that I've been spoiled. Hard to go back to my feral ways. She'll be back in a few days -- thankfully, I have enough belly fat to survive.
One of the many features in our House of Havoc developed for GP Toys.


Unknown said...

Since I have repaid you for tricking me into caring so much by tricking you into thinking you need me. Two tricksters made for each other.
What's for dinner?

Little Dog said...

Beef! It's what's for dinner.

Unknown said...

ooh, was that your Sam Elliot voice? c'mere you...